photo by @savedalexis

photo by @savedalexis

Bianca Quigley is an award-winning new music composer and talented violist based in Baltimore. With a decade-long background in solo performance, orchestral music, and chamber ensembles, she actively participates in improvisation and new music performance. Bianca is currently a member of the new music group Bent Wrench, an ensemble dedicated to commissioning works from both emerging and established composers. Within the group, she alternates between playing electronics and viola.

Bianca's artistic identity is largely influenced by electroacoustic music. Her music explores the distinctions between acoustic and electronic sound, often blurring the lines between them. She is committed to evolving the relationship between performer and machine, and she’s inspired by the unique interactions that develop when human expression meets technological innovation. Another skill Bianca has honed through her innovative work is electronic instrument fabrication. She was awarded a prestigious grant from the Peabody Institute to lead a research and product development project in this area.

Bianca has studied with a diverse range of new music pedagogues, including Cat Lamb, Felipe Lara, Du Yun, Oscar Bettison, Sam Pluta, Bryan Jacobs, Inés Thiebaut, Anthony Green, Wang Lu, Mercedes Zavala, and Klaus Lang. She had the opportunity to work with Yarn/Wire in June 2023 and recently collaborated with JACK Quartet in February. Her work was performed by members of Montreal-based ensembles Quasar and Paramirabo in June, and she had her LA premiere in August with the Brightwork Ensemble.

In addition to her work in composition, Bianca has a strong background in viola performance, attending prestigious summer festivals such as Bowdoin, Meadowmount, and Orford Musique. She has studied viola with renowned pedagogues like Roberta Zalkind, Claudine Bigelow, Jutta Puchhammer-Sédillot, Julie Edwards, Jeffery Irvine, and Patricia McCarty.

Bianca holds an HBA in viola performance and composition from Westminster University and recently earned her Master of Music in composition from the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins, studying under Sky Macklay. Upon graduating from Peabody, she received the Ada Arens Morawetz Memorial Award and recently placed 3rd in the Prix d’Ete Composition Competition.